Gorter chair


The "Stichting Dr. C.J. Gorter" was founded on February 10, 1967 with an endowment by Professor Gorter. The aim of the Gorter Foundation is to promote and support research in experimental physics at the Kamerlingh Onnes and Huygens Laboratories of the Leiden Institute of Physics.

In 1985 the Foundation was authorized (by "Koninklijk Besluit" = Royal Assent) to establish a chair in condensed matter physics. Since that time this chair has been held by

L.J. de Jongh (1986-1991)
inaugural lecture "Over de fysica van chemische submicronstructuren"

H. van Houten (1993-1996)
inaugural lecture "Vreemde verschijnselen in complexe situaties"

J.M. van Ruitenbeek (1998-2003)
inaugural lecture "Bouwen in Schrödinger's wereld"

M. Beijersbergen (since 2005)
inaugural lecture "TBA"

