Publications from the Instituut-Lorentz in the year 1991
* GZ An, JMJ van Leeuwen,
Fixed-node Monte-Carlo study of the two-dimensional Hubbard-model.
Physical Review B 44, 9410-9417 (1991).* CWJ Beenakker,
Universal limit of critical-current fluctuations in mesoscopic Josephson-junctions.
Physical Review Letters 67, 3836-3839 (1991).* W Beenakker, FA Berends, T Sack,
The radiative process e+e- -->W+W-gamma.
Nuclear Physics B 367, 287-312 (1991).* W Beenakker, FA Berends, SC van der Marck,
Small-angle Bhabha scattering.
Nuclear Physics B 355, 281-294 (1991).* W Beenakker, FA Berends, SC van der Marck,
Large-angle Bhabha scattering.
Nuclear Physics B 349, 323-368 (1991).* W Beenakker, K Kolodziej, T Sack,
The total cross-section e+e- -->W+W-.
Physics Letters B 258, 469-474 (1991).* W Beenakker, SC van der Marck, W Hollik,
e+e- annihilation into heavy fermion pairs at high-energy colliders.
Nuclear Physics B 365, 24-78 (1991).* W Beenakker, WL van Neerven, R Meng, GA Schuler, J Smith,
QCD corrections to heavy quark production in hadron hadron-collisions.
Nuclear Physics B 351, 507-560 (1991).* FA Berends, H Kuijf,
Jets at the LHC.
Nuclear Physics B 353, 59-86 (1991).* FA Berends, H Kuijf, B Tausk, WT Giele,
On the production of a W and jets at hadron colliders.
Nuclear Physics B 357, 32-64 (1991).* MJAM Brummelhuis, HJ Hilhorst,
Covering of a finite lattice by a random-walk.
Physica A-Statistical and Theoretical Physics 176, 387-408 (1991).* MJAM Brummelhuis, H Kuijf,
Enumeration of externally labeled trees.
Journal of Physics A 24, 929-936 (1991).* DJ Bukman, GZ An, JMJ van Leeuwen,
Cluster-variation approach to the spin-1/2 XXZ model.
Physical Review B 43, 13352-13364 (1991).* DJ Bukman, JMJ van Leeuwen,
The phase-diagram of the XXZ model for slab and layered geometries.
Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 3, 9995-10020 (1991).* A Denner, T Sack,
The top width.
Nuclear Physics B 358, 46-58 (1991).* PJH Denteneer, GZ An, JMJ van Leeuwen,
Optimal superconducting critical-temperature in the two-dimensional attractive Hubbard-model.
Europhysics Letters 16, 5-10 (1991).* PJH Denteneer, JM Soler,
Defect energetics in aluminum.
Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 3, 8777-8792 (1991).* U Geigenmüller, P Mazur,
Intrinsic convection near a meniscus.
Physica A-Statistical and Theoretical Physics 171, 475-485 (1991).* R Hamberg, WL van Neerven, T Matsuura,
A complete calculation of the order-alpha_s^2 correction to the Drell-Yan K-factor.
Nuclear Physics B 359, 343-405 (1991).* M Horbach,
Effect of weak time-dependence of disorder on localization.
Solid State Communications 79, 897-900 (1991).* ML Horbach, W van Saarloos, DA Huse,
Observation of the conductivity coherence peak in superconducting Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_8 single-crystals - comment.
Physical Review Letters 67, 3464-3464 (1991).* G Kramer, B Lampe,
QCD corrections to final-state photon Bremsstrahlung in e+e- annihilation.
Physics Letters B 269, 401-406 (1991).* B Lampe, T Sack,
Precise determination of the top mass.
Physics Letters B 272, 339-343 (1991).* P Mazur, D Bedeaux,
When and why is the random force in Brownian-motion a gaussian process.
Biophysical Chemistry 41, 41-49 (1991).* P Mazur, D Bedeaux,
Causality, time-reversal invariance and the Langevin equation.
Physica A-Statistical and Theoretical Physics 173, 155-174 (1991).* MJP Nijmeijer, C Bruin, AF Bakker, JMJ van Leeuwen,
Determination of the location and order of the drying transition with a molecular-dynamics simulation.
Physical Review B 44, 834-837 (1991).* MJP Nijmeijer, C Bruin, AF Bakker, JMJ van Leeuwen,
A search for prewetting in a molecular-dynamics simulation.
Molecular Physics 72, 927-939 (1991).* JV Sengers, JMJ van Leeuwen, JW Schmidt,
Capillary waves of fluid interfaces near a critical-point.
Physica A-Statistical and Theoretical Physics 172, 20-39 (1991).* JMJ van Leeuwen,
The Einstein relation in the Rubinstein-Duke reptation model.
Journal de Physique I 1, 1675-1680 (1991).* WL van Neerven,
Recent results on higher-order QCD corrections to hadronic cross-sections.
Acta Physica Polonica B 22, 83-102 (1991).* WL van Neerven, EB Zijlstra,
Order alpha_s^2 contributions to the deep inelastic Wilson coefficient.
Physics Letters B 272, 127-133 (1991).* EB Zijlstra, WL van Neerven,
Contribution of the second-order gluonic Wilson coefficient to the deep inelastic structure-function.
Physics Letters B 273, 476-482 (1991).
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