Dissertations from the Instituut-Lorentz: 1961-1970 1961
J. Vlieger
On the quantum-statistical basis of non-equilibrium thermodynamics1964
R.H. Terwiel (cum laude)
On the theory of optical activity1964
E. Braun Guitler
Contribution to the statistical mechanical theory of Brownian motion1965
H.W. Capel (cum laude)
The hole-equivalence principle, the Van Vleck relation and the application of the theory of d-ions in Ligand fields1966
J. van der Linden
On the foundation of classical statistical physics1967
F.A. Berends (cum laude)
Photoproduction of pi-mesons1968
J.B. Sanders
On penetration depths and collision cascades in solid materials1969
A. Tip
Some aspects of the influence of a magnetic field on transport phenomena in dilute gases1970
P.J.M. Bongaarts
An elementary C* algebra field theory