Text book
Preskill's book provides background and context to the material covered in the lectures and exercise classes. It also contains much additional material that goes beyond the course and will not be examinated.
- John Preskill, Quantum Information chapters 1-6 and chapter 7
- additional background material (with updates to some of the chapters in Preskill)
The exercise classes are the most important part of the course, and the three problem sets are representative for the written exam. Two problems in each set are marked as "homework". You are requested to submit your detailed solution of these two problems to the course assistants at the start of the class, who will then grade each with "pass" or "fail". Each "pass" gives you 1/6 of a bonus point for the written exam on 3 November, 2025.
Dates & Topics
Monday 1 September 9.00-11.00 lecture 0: linear algebra refresher
linear algebra notes Monday 8 September 9.00-11.00 exercise class 0 linear algebra problem set (no homework) Monday 15 September 9.00-11.00 lecture 1: qubits, Bloch sphere, fidelity, quantum gates (Pauli, Hadamard, Toffoli, CNOT), density matrix, pure vs. mixed states
Preskill 2.1-2.3, 4.1.1, 6.2.0 (you may skip 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.3.3) (lecture notes --- recording part a and recording part b) Monday 15 September 11.00-13.00 cancelled Monday 22 September 9.00-11.00 exercise class 1 problems 1-3; homework 1b + 2b Monday 29 September 9.00-11.00 lecture 2: entanglement, Schmidt decomposition, concurrence, teleportation, Bell states, Bell inequality, no-cloning theorem
Preskill 2.4, 4.1, 4.2.3, 4.2.4 (lecture notes --- recording part a and recording part b --- Bell state notebook) Monday 6 October 9.00-11.00 lecture 3: quantum key distribution, quantum algorithms (Deutsch-Jozsa, Simon, Grover), quantum error correction
Preskill 4.2.2, 6.3-6.4, 7.1 (lecture notes --- recording part a and recording part b) Monday 6 October 11.00-13.00 exercise class 2 problems 4-6; homework 4b + 5b Monday 13 October 9.00-11.00 excercise class 3 problems 7-9; homework 8b + 9b
Exam: Monday 3 November 2025 9:00 - 12:00 Retake: Tuesday 2 December 2025 15:15 - 18:15