#include /* This programme calculates the action density profile (Profile[0]) and the zero-mode densities (anti-periodic in time Profile[-1]; periodic in time Profile[-2]) and of the SU(2) caloron at omega=w, rho=p as a function of t and z. Constituents are placed at x=y=0, z=(1-2*w)*p*p*Pi and -2*w*p*p*Pi.*/ main(argc,argv) int argc; char **argv; { double dAdAlnpsi(),Nzmsq(); double w,p,x,y,z,t,s,st,nu1,z1,z2; double Pi=3.14159265358979324; int mt,mz,nt,nz,nn=1; void message(); if(argc != 10)message(); if(sscanf(argv[1],"%le",&w)!= 1)message(); if(sscanf(argv[2],"%le",&p)!= 1)message(); if(sscanf(argv[3],"%le",&x)!= 1)message(); if(sscanf(argv[4],"%le",&y)!= 1)message(); if(sscanf(argv[5],"%le",&z)!= 1)message(); if(sscanf(argv[6],"%le",&s)!= 1)message(); if(sscanf(argv[7],"%d",&nz)!= 1)message(); if(sscanf(argv[8],"%d",&nt)!= 1)message(); if(sscanf(argv[9],"%d",&nn)!= 1)message(); t=-0.5; st=nn*1.0/nt; nu1=2*w; z2=-nu1*p*p*Pi; z1=(1-nu1)*p*p*Pi; printf("(* t-z profile for: omega,rho,x,y= %lg, %lg, %lg, %lg\n", w,p,x,y); /* nn is the number of time periods */ printf(" z[1],step,nz,nt,nn= %lg, %lg, %d, %d, %d *)\n",z,s,nz,nt,nn); printf("Profile[0]={\n"); for(mt=0;mt