List of seminars and presentations (latest),
Pierre van Baal
- 1.
- Yang-Mills on the torus, a possible test of confinement?,
National Seminar High-energy Physics, 20 November 1981, Nikhef, Amsterdam.
- 2.
- Finite temperature in the Twisted Eguchi-Kawai model, 7 September,
1983, Cargèse, France.
- 3.
- Black holes in Kaluza-Klein theories, 27 October 1983, UvA, Amsterdam.
- 4.
- QCD on the torus, a box of Pandora, 9 March 1984, Utrecht.
- 5.
- Energy of electric flux on the torus, 3 April 1984, DESY,
Hamburg, Germany.
- 6.
- Energy of electric flux on the torus, 24 May 1984, Wuppertal,
- 7.
- Gauge theories on the torus, 6 June 1984, Nijmegen.
- 8.
- Gauge theories on the torus, 12 June 1984, Leiden.
- 9.
- Is space-time really four dimensional, 21 August 1984, astronomy
colloquium, Utrecht.
- 10.
- Gauge theories on the torus, 3 and 10 October 1984, Stony Brook,
- 11.
- Gauge theories on the torus, 19 October 1984, City College,
New York, USA.
- 12.
- Gauge fields from quantum mechanics, 21 November 1984, Stony Brook,
- 13.
- Black holes in supergravity, 12 December 1984, IAS, Princeton, USA.
- 14.
- A new approach to multidimensional tunnelling, 23 July 1985, DESY,
Hamburg, Germany.
- 15.
- A new approach to multidimensional tunnelling, 23 August 1985,
UvA, Amsterdam.
- 16.
- The role of transverse fluctuations in multidimensional tunnelling,
Poster presented at the conference: ``Statistical Mechanics and Field Theory:
Mathematical Aspects'', 26-30 August 1985, Groningen.
- 17.
- QCD on a torus, a bridge between analytic and numberical results,
13 May 1986, Berekley, USA.
- 18.
- QCD on a torus, a bridge between analytic and numberical results,
19 May 1986, CalTech, Los Angeles, USA.
- 19.
- QCD on a torus, a bridge between analytic and numberical results,
21 May 1986, San Diego, USA.
- 20.
- QCD on a torus, a bridge between analytic and numberical results,
23 May 1986, ITP, Santa Barbara, USA.
- 21.
- QCD on a torus, a bridge between analytic and numberical results,
24 July 1986, NBI, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 22.
- QCD on a torus, a bridge between analytic and numberical results,
29 July 1986, DESY, Hamburg, Germany.
- 23.
- QCD on a torus, a bridge between analytic and numberical results,
5 August 1986, Cern, Geneve, Switzerland.
- 24.
- QCD on a torus, a bridge between analytic and numberical results,
20 August 1986, Utrecht.
- 25.
Results on SU(3) gauge theory in a finite volume, 15 September
1986, Lattice'86, Brookhaven, USA.
- 26.
- Duality and the Nahm transformation, 13 January 1987, Davis, USA.
- 27.
- QCD on the torus and its connection to the lattice, 20 January
1987, Fermilab, Batavia, USA.
- 28.
- QCD on the torus and its connection to the lattice, 25 February
1987, Cornell, Ithaca, USA.
- 29.
- SU(2) spectroscopy in intermediate volumes, 24 August 1987, UvA,
- 30.
- Glueball spectroscopy in intermediate volumes, 18 September 1987,
Cern, Geneve, Switzerland.
- 31.
Confronting analytic and Monte Carlo results in a finite volume
for pure gauge theories, 28 September 1987, Lattice'87, Seillac, France.
- 32.
- SU(2) spectroscopy in finite volumes, 13 November 1987, Utrecht.
- 33.
- Analytic results for SU(2) spectroscopy in intermediate volumes,
24 February 1988, Marseille, France.
- 34.
- Gauge theories and confinement, 10 May 1988, mathematics, Oxford,
- 35.
- SU(2) spectroscopy in intermediate volumes, 11 May 1988, Oxford,
- 36.
- SU(2) spectroscopy in intermediate volumes, 13 May 1988, DAMTP,
Cambridge, England.
- 37.
- SU(2) spectroscopy in intermediate volumes, 18 May 1988, Mons,
- 38.
Finite volume gauge theory, 8 June 1988, Zakopane summer school,
- 39.
- Rigorous nonperturbative results in finite volumes, 20 June
1988, Bonn, Germany.
- 40.
Massles fermions in finite volumes, 17-23 August 1988, op de
conferentie ``Frontiers in nonperturbative filed theory'', Eger, Hungary.
- 41.
- Relating Kac-Moody, Virasoro and Krichever-Novikov algebras,
30 August 1988, DESY, Hamburg, Germany.
- 42.
Spectrum of the pure gauge theory, 24 September, Lattice'88,
plenary talk, Fermilab, Batavia, USA.
- 43.
- SU(2) spectroscopy in intermediate volumes, 27 September 1988,
Salt Lake City, USA.
- 44.
- Relating Kac-Moody, Virasoro and Krichever-Novikov algebras,
30 September 1988, mathematics, Salt Lake City, USA.
- 45.
- Relating Kac-Moody, Virasoro and Krichever-Novikov algebras,
4 October, CalTech, Los Angeles, USA.
- 46.
- SU(2) spectroscopy in intermediate volumes, 7 October 1988, UCLA,
Los Angeles, USA.
- 47.
- Relating Kac-Moody, Virasoro and Krichever-Novikov algebras,
14 October 1988, Stony Brook, USA.
- 48.
- Light fermions in finite volumes, 18 October 1988, Cornell,
Ithaca, USA.
- 49.
- Relating Kac-Moody, Virasoro and Krichever-Novikov algebras,
18 October 1988, Cornell, Ithaca, USA.
- 50.
- On the size of lattice artefacts, 19 March 1989, Wuppertal,
- 51.
- On the size of lattice artefacts, 22 March 1989, Cern, Geneve,
- 52.
- Topological quantum field theory, 23 May 1989, DESY, Hamburg,
- 53.
Topological quantum field theory, 5-6 June 1989, Zakopane
summer school, Poland.
- 54.
Beyond the Gribov horizon in the femto universe, 21-28 August 1989,
Cargese, France.
- 55.
Understanding SU(2) Lattice Artifacts in Intermediate Volumes,
20 September 1989, Capri, Italy.
- 56.
- Introduction to Topological Yang-Mills Theory, 28 September
1989, Amsterdam.
- 57.
- A guided tour through Fermi-land, National Seminar High-energy
Physics, 20 October 1990, Nikhef, Amsterdam.
- 58.
- Introduction to Topological Yang-Mills Theory, 20 November
1989, Groningen.
- 59.
- Introduction to Topological Yang-Mills Theory, 1 December
1989, Freiburg, Germany.
- 60.
- From Morse Theory to Floer Homology and Beyond, 15 February
1990, Wisk. Utrecht.
- 61.
- Introduction to Topological Yang-Mills Theory, 28 March 1990,
- 62.
- Topological Yang-Mills Theory, 5 April 1990, Rome, Italy.
- 63.
- Introduction to Topological Yang-Mills Theory, 25 April 1990,
- 64.
- Matrix models and 2-d Gravity: An Introduction, 7 August
1990, DESY, Hamburg, Germany.
- 65.
- The Nahm transformation as a duality transformation among
instanton solution on a torus, 14 August 1990, NBI, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 66.
Analytic Methods from Finite to Infinite Volume, review
talk at Lat'90, 9 October 1990, Tallahassee, Florida, USA.
- 67.
- Tunnelling and Morse Theory, 16 October 1990, Mathematics
Dept., Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
- 68.
- Solving Gauge Theories in Volumes up to one Cubic Fermi,
17 October, Physics Dept., Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
- 69.
- Solving Gauge Theories in Volumes up to one Cubic Fermi,
18 October 1990, UCLA, Los Angeles, California, USA.
- 70.
- Solving Gauge Theories in Volumes up to one Cubic Fermi,
23 October 1990, ITP, Santa Barbara, California, USA.
- 71.
- Cohomological Aspects of Topological Field Theory,
25 October 1990, USC, Los Angeles, California, USA.
- 72.
- Introduction to Topological Field Theory,
26 October 1990, CSU, Long Beach, California, USA.
- 73.
- Solving Gauge Theories in Volumes up to one Cubic Fermi,
30 October 1990, TPI, University of Minnesota, Minniapolis, USA.
- 74.
- Solving Gauge Theories in Volumes up to one Cubic Fermi,
31 October 1990, ITP, University of Stony Brook, New York, USA.
- 75.
- QCD Spectroscopy in Volumes up to one Cubic Fermi,
2 November 1990, CEBAF, Newport/News, Virginia, USA.
- 76.
- Solving Gauge Theories in Volumes up to one Cubic Fermi,
7 November 1990, Cornell, Ithaca, New York, USA.
- 77.
- Cohomological Aspects of Topological Field Theory,
7 November 1990, Cornell, Ithaca, New York, USA.
- 78.
- Solving Gauge Theories in Volumes up to one Cubic Fermi,
9 November 1990, MIT, Cambridge, Mass., USA.
- 79.
- Path integrals and non-perturbative methods, lectures at
the AIO/OIO school high-energy physics, 7-18 January, 1991, Logica, TU Twente,
- 80.
- Solving Gauge Theories in Volumes up to one Cubic Fermi,
4 February 1991, Physikalisches Institut, Bonn, Germany.
- 81.
- Cohomological Aspects of Topological Yang-Mills Theory - An
Introduction, set of four lectures, 23-25 April, 1991, Leuven, Belgium.
- 82.
- Gauge Theories in Finite Volumes and Gribov Copies,
18 June 1991, Physique Theorique, Saclay, France.
- 83.
- More (thoughts on) Gribov Copies, 12 July 1991, Cern, Switzerland.
- 84.
Quantum tunnelling and the Path Decomposition Expansion,
set of two lectures at the Adriatico Course on Path Integration,
26-27 august, 1991, Treiste, Italy.
- 85.
- Gribov Copies and the Fundamental Modular Domain, invited
talk at the Adriatico Conference on Path Integration and its
Applications, 3 September 1991, Trieste, Italy.
- 86.
- Glueball Spectroscopy, National Seminar Theoretical
Intermediate High-energy Physics, 27 September 1991, Nikhef, Amsterdam.
- 87.
- More on Gribov Copies, Parallel session talk presented
at Lattice'91, 5 November 1991, Tsukuba, Japan.
- 88.
- Nahm's Duality Transformation Among Instanton Moduli Spaces,
11 November 1991, Tokyo University, Japan.
- 89.
- More on Gribov Copies, 27 November 1991, HLRZ, Jüilich,
- 90.
- More on Gribov Copies, 2 December 1991, DESY, Hamburg,
- 91.
- Glueball Spectroscopy in the Femtoworld, 12 December 1991,
Universiteit van Leiden.
- 92.
- On Gribov Copies, 14 January 1992, University of Bielefeld,
- 93.
- Beyond the Gribov Horizon, 27 January 1992, University of
Münster, Germany.
- 94.
- QCD Spectroscopy in the Femto-universe/Beyond the Gribov
Horizon and Further, Graduierten Kolleg, 19 February 1992, University of
Erlangen, Germany.
- 95.
- QCD Spectroscopy in the Femto-universe, 13 March 1992, University
of Düsseldorf, Germany.
- 96.
- The theta dependence beyond steepest descent, 20 March 1992,
MPI, München, Germany.
- 97.
- QCD Spectroscopy in the Femto-universe, 15 April 1992, NYU,
New York, USA.
- 98.
- QCD in the Femto-universe and beyond, 16 April 1992,
Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, USA.
- 99.
- Non-perturbative analysis, gauge copies and more, 21 April
1992, Fermilab, Batavia, USA.
- 100.
- Non-perturbative analysis, gauge copies and more, 23 April 1992,
Washington University, St. Louis, USA.
- 101.
Non-perturbative analysis, gauge copies and more, 8 June 1992,
contributed talk at XXI DGM, Nankai University, Tianjin, China.
- 102.
Topology of Yang-Milss Configuration Space, 12 June 1992,
plenary talk at ISATQP, Shanxi University, Taiyuan, China.
- 103.
- The theta dependence beyond steepest descent, 25 June 1992,
Instituut voor Theoretische Fysica, UvA, Amsterdam.
- 104.
- The Fundamental Modular Domain in Gauge Theories,
June 30, 1992, Heraklion, Crete.
- 105.
- On Gribov copies and horizons, 2 October 1992, MPI,
München, Germany.
- 106.
- The Nahmtransform, instanton moduli spaces and hyperKähler
structure, 8 October 1992, Max Planck Institut, München, Germany.
- 107.
- Gauge theories in finite volumes, 22 October 1992, ITEP,
Moskou, Russia.
- 108.
- The Nahm transformation for anti-selfdual Yang-Mills fields,
28 October 1992, invited talk at the International Conference on
Mathematical Physics, Rakhov, Ukraine.
- 109.
- Hoe krijgen we de sterke wisselwerking klein, 6 November 1992,
voordracht op het lustrumsymposium Akademie-onderzoeker, KNAW, Amsterdam.
- 110.
- Non-perturbative analysis, Gribov copies and horizons,
11 December 1992, Universidad Autonoma, Madrid, Spain.
- 111.
- Gauge fixing, Gribov copies and horizons, 26 January 1993,
Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany.
- 112.
- How to tame the strong interaction of elementary particles,
colloquium Ehrenfestii, 10 February 1993, Universiteit Leiden.
- 113.
- The Fundamental Domain in 4-d Gauge Theories,
15 February 1993, Uppsala, Sweden.
- 114.
- Non-perturbative gauge fixing, Ringberg workshop, 30 April 1993.
- 115.
- A fundamental domain for gauge theories in 3+1 dimensions and
non-perturbative dynamics, 19 May 1993, CTP, MIT, Cambridge, Mass., USA.
- 116.
- Non-perturbative gauge fixing, 28 May 1993, Stony Brook, USA.
- 117.
- Glueball Spectroscopy in Finite Volumes, 1 June 1993,
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA.
- 118.
- A Review of QCD Spectroscopy in Finite Volumes, 16 June 1993,
invited talk at the "Light-cone/Non-perturbative" meeting, PSI, Villigen,
- 119.
- QCD Spectroscopy in Finite Volumes, 22 June 1993, Strasbourg,
- 120.
- Instanton solutions from improved cooling on the lattice,
26 July 1993, MPI, München, Germany.
- 121.
- Non-perturbative gauge fixing, 9 August 1993, Heidelberg,
- 122.
- Singular boundary points for SU(2) gauge theory on the
three-sphere, 1 October 1993, Pisa, Italy.
- 123.
- Instantons from over-improved cooling, 7 October 1993,
washington University, St. Louis, USA.
- 124.
- Non-perturbative gauge fixing, 11 October 1993, SMU,
Dallas, USA.
- 125.
The principles of over-improved cooling, 13 October 1993,
Parallel talk presented at Lattice'93, Dallas, USA.
- 126.
- Hoe de sterke wisselwerking klein te krijgen, 4 November 1993,
Philips Research Laboratories, Numerieke wiskunde groep, Eindhoven.
- 127.
- How to tame the strong interaction of elementary particles,
27 January 1994, Physics Colloquium, Groningen.
- 128.
- In verwachting van het zesde quark, Diligentia, 21 February
1994, Den Haag.
- 129.
- Een sterk verhaal over kleuren en smaken, oratie, 29 April 1994,
- 130.
- The importance of full gauge fixing for infrared dynamics,
invited talk at the workshop on Quantum Infrared Physics, Paris, 6 June, 1994.
- 131.
- Zooming-in on the fundamental domain, Graduiertenkolleg,
22 June, 1994, Erlangen, Germany.
- 132.
- Instantons and Sphalerons from cooling, 1 July, 1994,
UCSD, La Jolla, USA.
- 133.
- Exact results on the fundamental domain, 14 July 1994,
Aspen Institute of Physics, Aspen, Colorado, USA.
- 134.
Some comments on Laplacian gauge fixing, parallel talk
presented at Lattice'94, 28 September 1994, Bielefeld, Germany.
- 135.
- Instantons and Sphalerons from cooling, 18 January, 1995,
Technion, Haifa, Israel.
- 136.
- Laplace and Coulomb gauge fixing - their non-perturbative
relevance, 8 February 1995, Cortona, Italy.
- 137.
- Taking barriers in gauge theories, 30 March, 1995, DESY,
Hamburg, Germany.
- 138.
- IJktheorieën met een twist, 20 April, 1995, Groningen,
Minisymposium Mathematische Fysica op het Nat. Math. Congres.
- 139.
- Results in non-perturbative QCD, 24 April 1995, Nikhef
colloquium, Amsterdam.
- 140.
- Global issues in gauge fixing, 4 May, 1995, University
of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA.
- 141.
- Taking barriers in gauge theories, 5 May, 1995, University
of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA.
- 142.
- Global issues in gauge fixing, 10 May, 1995, Ohio State
University, Columbus, Ohio, USA.
- 143.
- Taking barriers in gauge theories, 19 May, 1995, Cornell
University, Ithaca, New York, USA.
- 144.
- Taking barriers in gauge theories, 25 May, 1995, Fermilab
Batavia, Illinois, USA.
- 145.
- Topics in non-perturbative QCD, 8 June 1995, Opening Symposium
of the Dutch Research School of Theoretical Physics, Dalfsen.
- 146.
- Taking barriers in gauge theories, 18 June 1995, MPI, München,
- 147.
- From Topology through Gauge Fixing to Dynamics, invited talk at
the "Fifth meeting on Light-Front Quantization and non-Perturbative QCD",
22 June, 1995, Regensburg, Germany.
- 148.
- A Survey on Gauge Fixing, invited talk at the Research Workshop on
"Non-Perturbative methods in Field Theory", 30 June, 1995, ANU, Canberra,
- 149.
- Cooling to find saddle point solutions, invited talk at the
Research Workshop on "Non-Perturbative methods in Field Theory", 30 June,
1995, ANU, Canberra, Australia.
- 150.
- Taming the strong interactions of elementary particles, 6 July
1995, General Physics Colloquium, Adelaide, Australia.
- 151.
- Global issues in gauge fixing, 7 July 1995, Adelaide, Australia.
- 152.
Marginally stable solutions, parallel talk presented at
Lattice'95, 11 July 1995, Melbourne, Australia.
- 153.
Non-perturbative issues in glueball spectroscopy, invited
talk at the workshop "Non-perturbative approaches to QCD",
20 July 1995, Trento, Italy.
- 154.
Instanton moduli for T3 X R,
invited talk presented at
the 29th Ahrenshoop symposium, 1 September 1995, Buckow, Germany.
- 155.
- Taking barriers in gauge theories, 20 September 1995, Utrecht.
- 156.
- New improved lattice action, 11 December 1995, Heidelberg,
- 157.
- Global issues in gauge fixing, 22 January 1996, AIO/OIO-school,
- 158.
- Hoe krijgen we de sterke wisselwerking klein, 24 January 1996,
fysisch colloquium, Universiteit Twente, Enschede.
- 159.
Testing Improved Actions, invited talk at "Continuous Advances
in QCD", 29 March, 1996, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA.
- 160.
- Testing Improved Actions, 1 April 1996, Washington University,
St. Louis, USA.
- 161.
- Instanton moduli for T3 X R,
4 April 1996, Washington
University, St. Louis, USA.
- 162.
A simple new imporved lattice action, invited talk at the
2nd International Sakharov conference, 22 May 1996, Lebedev Physical Institute,
Moscow, Russia.
- 163.
- On the Nahm transformation for T3 X R,
talk at INTAS collaboration meeting, 24 May 1996, ITEP, Moscow, Russia.
- 164.
- Global issues in gauge fixing, talk at INTAS collaboration
meeting, 26 May 1996, Yerevan Physical Institute, Armenia.
- 165.
- On the Nahm transformation, talk at INTAS collaboration
meeting, 26 May 1996, Yerevan Physical Institute, Armenia.
- 166.
Hamiltonian from improved actions, parallel talk presented at
Lattice'96, 8 June 1996, St. Louis, USA.
- 167.
- Improved lattice actions, seminar at Stony Brook Universtity,
18 June 1996, Stony Brook, USA.
- 168.
- Improved lattice actions and QCD in small volumes, invited talk
at the INT workshop "Improved actions of lattice QCD", 6 September 1996,
University of Washington, Seattle, USA.
- 169.
- More (on) Improved Actions, invited talk at the "Workshop on
Lattice Field Theory, Present results and future perspectives", 19 September
1996, TU Wien, Wenen, Austria.
- 170.
- Taking barriers in gauge theories, 16 October 1996, Nijmegen.
- 171.
- Taking barriers in gauge theories, 9 December 1996, Jena,
- 172.
- The Nahm transformation for pedestrians, 28 January 1997,
Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK.
- 173.
- Dynamical consequence of global gauge fixing issues, 31 January
1997, DAMTP, Cambridge, UK.
- 174.
Reporting progress at intermediate volumes and the role of
instantons, invited talk at the Workshop on "New non-perturbative methods
and quantization on the light cone", 27 February 1997, Les Houches, France.
- 175.
- Dynamical consequence of global gauge fixing issues, 6 March
1997, Oxford, UK.
- 176.
- Dynamical consequence of global gauge fixing issues, 16 May
1997, Southampton, UK.
- 177.
- Gribov ambiguities and the fundamental domain, 1 July 1997,
NATO ASI, Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK.
- 178.
The QCD vacuum, closing review talk presented at the XV
International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, LATTICE'97, 26 July 1997,
Edinburgh, UK.
- 179.
- Glueball spectrum on the three sphere beyond perturbation theory,
Bonn workshop on confinement physics, 1 August 1997, ITKP, Bonn, Germany.
- 180.
- Non-perturbative gauge theory, lectures at the 3rd nat. summer
school "Grundlagen und neue Methoden der theoretischen Physik", 1-5 September
1997, Saalburg, Germany
- 181.
- Non-perturbative consequences of gauge fixing, 20 November 1997,
Universität Karlsruhe, Germany.
- 182.
- The QCD vacuum, 25 November 1997, DESY, Hamburg, Germany.
- 183.
- Path integrals and non-perturbative methods, lectures at
the AIO/OIO school high-energy physics, 19-23 January 1998, De Jonkerbosch,
Universiteit Nijmegen.
- 184.
- The Nahm transformation for pedestrians, 20 February 1998,
Nat. Seminarium Math. Struct. Veldentheorie, Amsterdam.
- 185.
- Explicit Caloron solutions with non-trivial holonomy, 3 April 1998,
National Seminar High-energy Physics, Nikhef, Amsterdam.
- 186.
- Caloron/H-monopole solutions with non-trivial holonomy,
14 April 1998, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA.
- 187.
Gribov's horizon - a vista on non-perturbative gauge theory,
15 April 1998, invite talk in honour of Vladimir Gribov at "Continuous
Advances in QCD, III", University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA.
- 188.
New instanton solutions at finite temperature, invited talk
at the symposium "QCD at Finite Baryon Density", 29 April 1998, ZiF, Bielefeld,
- 189.
- Unambiguously Gribov, invited talk at "Challenges in Theoretical
Physics", in Memoriam Vladimir Gribov, 9 June 1998, Bad Honnef, Germany.
- 190.
- How to make Instantons from Monopoles, invited talk presented
at the workshop "Instantons and Monopoles in the QCD Vacuum", 22 June 1998,
NORDITA, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 191.
Constituent monopoles without gauge fixing, parellel talk at
Lattice'98, 16 July 1998, Boulder, USA.
- 192.
- Lessons from new Calorons for QCD, invited talk at the workshop
"Perturbative and non-perturbative aspects of the standard model", 29 July
1998, Santa Fe, USA.
- 193.
- Fun with the Nahm duality transformation, 22 February 1999, Groningen.
- 194.
- Gauge invariant monopoles for free, 27 May 1999, Brookhaven, USA.
- 195.
- Calorons, monopole constituents and the fermion zero-mode, 4 June 1999,
Aspen, USA.
- 196.
Exact fermion zero-mode for the new calorons, parallel talk at
Lattice'99, 2 July 1999, Pisa, Italy.
- 197.
- The principles of ((over-)improved) cooling, invited talk at the
Summer Institute on Numerical Simulations of Field Theories, 9 July 1999,
Gran Sasso National Laboratory, Italy.
- 198.
- Fluxes, instantons and duality in pure QCD, invited talk at the
Amsterdam Summer Workshop ``Flux, Charge, Topology and Statistics'', 19
July 1999, Amsterdam.
- 199.
- The many facets of Nahm's duality transformation, 17 August 1999, Cern,
Geneva, Switzerland.
- 200.
- Gauge field topology and all that, review talk presented at
the 33rd Ahrenshoop symposium, 27 August 1999, Buckow, Germany.
- 201.
- Instantons and monopoles, a surprising relationship, invited talk
at the ECT* workshop ``Hadronic Processes at the interface between
perturbative and non-perturbative QCD'', 1 September 1999, Trento, Italy.
- 202.
- Monopole constituents, calorons and all that, seminar, 8 September
1999, SISSA, Trieste, Italy.
- 203.
Instantons versus monopoles, invited talk at the workshop ``Lattice
fermions and structure of the vacuum'', 8 October 1999, JINR, Dubna, Russia.
- 204.
- The Nahm transformation, 18 and 25 October 1999, Geometry seminar,
Mathematical Institute, Leiden.
- 205.
Monopoles in disguise, invited talk at the workshop on ``Light-cone QCD
and Nonperturbative Hadron Physics'', 17 December 1999, Adelaide, Australia.
- 206.
- The many facets of Nahm's duality transformation, seminar, 27 January 2000,
ITF, University of Amsterdam.
- 207.
- Monopoles and overlapping instantons, invited talk at the workshop
``Fermions, disorder and extended objects on the lattice'', 4 February 2000,
Benasque, Spain.
- 208.
- The many facets of Nahm's duality transformation, seminar, 2 March 2000,
LPTHE, Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France.
- 209.
- Overlapping instantons, seminar, 24 March 2000, Universita di Roma II
``Tor Vergata'', Rome, Italy.
- 210.
- Nahm transformation and BPS constituents, invited talk at the workshop
"Current theoretical problems in lattice field theory", 5 April 2000, Schloss
Ringberg, Germany.
- 211.
Overlapping instantons, invited talk at the worskhop "Continuous Advances
in QCD, IV", 13 May 2000, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA.
- 212.
- QCD at high instanton density, invited talk at the INT workshop "QCD at
finite baryon density", 25 May 2000, University of Washington, Seattle, USA.
- 213.
- Instanton quarks at finite temperature, seminar, 5 June 2000, University
of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
- 214.
- Hot Instantons, invited talk at the Triangle Meeting 2000
``Non-perturbative Methods in Field and String Theory'', 21 June 2000,
Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 215.
- The many facets of Nahm's duality transformation, seminar, 6 July 2000,
Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary.
- 216.
- Magnetic Monopoles, Astronomy Colloquium, 19 October 2000, Leiden.
- 217.
- Gauge fixing and dynamics in gauge theory, informal lunch seminar, 9
November 2000, University of Bern, Switzerland.
- 218.
- Overlapping instantons, seminar, 10 November 2000, University of Bern,
- 219.
- Chiral symmetry restoration for pedestrians, seminar, 20 November 2000,
Department of Subatomic Physics, Utrecht.
- 220.
- Monopoles as Instanton Quarks, seminar, 7 December 2000, DESY Zeuthen,
- 221.
- Overlapping Instantons, invited talk at the Third Workshop on
Nonperturbative Aspects of Gauge Fields and Strings, 23 February 2001,
Jena, Germany.
- 222.
- A cocktail of monopoles, seminar, 2 May 2001, MPI, Munich, Germany.
- 223.
- Tricritical point in dense QCD, Journal club seminar, 28 May 2001,
- 224.
- Viewpoints on abelian projections, seminar, 7 June 2001, CERN, Geneva,
- 225.
- Regular monopoles in QCD at finite temperature, seminar, 15 June 2001,
Freiburg, Germany.
- 226.
- Knots in gauge theory: the Faddeev-Niemi model revisited, invited talk
at the Amsterdam Summer Workshop ``Flux, Charge, Topology and Statistics'',
30 June 2001, Amsterdam.
- 227.
Viewpoints on abelian projections, invited talk at the workshop on
"Lattice Hadron Physics", 17 July 2001, Cairns, Australia.
- 228.
Abelian projected monopoles: to be or not to be, parallel talk at
Lattice 2001, 23 August 2001, Berlin, Germany.
- 229.
Reflections on topology, invited opening talk at the ECT* workshop
``Light-cone Physics: Particles and Strings'', 3 September 2001, Trento, Italy.
- 230.
- Dense instantons and confinement, invited talk at the ECT* workshop
``The Physics of Colour Confinement'', 14 September 2001, Trento, Itatly.
- 231.
Instantons, pro and con, invited talk at the INT workshop "Lattice QCD and
Hadron Phenomenology", 24 September 2001, University of Washington, Seattle,
USA. (Scanned pages in the right order.)
- 232.
- Periodic Instantons and Monopoles, Dublin Quantum Field Theory seminar,
7 January 2002, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
- 233.
- Lessons from Dense Instantons, Computational Applied Mathematics seminar,
9 January 2002, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
- 234.
- Knots, informal seminar ("Meet the Institute"), 16 January 2002, Leiden.
- 235.
Exact chiral zero-mode for an abelian dyonic dipole, invited talk at
the NATO ARW on ``Confinement, Topology, and other Non-Perturbative Aspects
of QCD", 25 January 2002, Stará Lesná, Slovakia.
- 236.
- The Witten Index in a Finite Volume Revisited, seminar, 4 April 2002,
NBI, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 237.
- Multi-Caloron solutions, invited talk at the ECT* workshop on
``Non-perturbative Aspects of QCD'', 16 July 2002, Trento, Italy.
- 238.
- Multi-Caloron solutions, invited talk at the workshop on ``Hadronic
phenomenology from lattice gauge theory", 2 August 2002, Regensburg, Germany.
- 239.
- Multi-Caloron solutions, seminar, 26 September 2002,
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany.
- 240.
- Crushing Instantons, seminar, 13 November 2002, Nijmegen.
- 241.
- The Witten Index in a Finite Volume Revisited, invited talk at the 4th
Workshop on ``Gauge Fields and Strings", 1 March 2003, Jena, Germany.
- 242.
- Defining < A2> in the finite volume hamiltonian formalism,
invited talk at the ECT* workshop on ``Aspects of Confinement and
Nonperturbative QCD'', 11 March 2003, Trento, Italy.
- 243.
- Complete gauge fixing, Grafiti-seminar, 14 April 2003, Utrecht.
- 244.
Multi-Caloron Solutions, invited talk at the KIAS workshop ``
Quantum Field theory and
Mathematical Physics", 14 May 2003, KIAS, Seoul, South Korea.
- 245.
Instantons and constituent monopoles, 2 lectures at the 43rd Cracow School
of Theoretical Physics, 1-2 June 2003, Zakopane, Poland.
- 246.
- Squeezing monopoles out of instantons, invited talk at the Amsterdam
Summer Workshop ``Flux, Charge, Topology and Statistics'', 1 July 2003,
- 247.
Calorons and fermion zero-modes,
parallel talk at Lattice 2003, 18 July 2003, Tsukuba, Japan.
- 248.
- New Topological Structures in
QCD, invited talk at the workshop ``Continuous Advances in QCD 2004'',
13 May 2004, Minneapolis, USA.
- 249.
- A stability surprise at finite
temperature, parallel talk at Lattice 2004, 24 June 2004, Fermilab,
Batavia, USA.
- 250.
- Analytic progress for higher charge calorons, invited talk at the
workshop ``The QCD Vacuum from a Lattice Perspective'', 30 July 2004,
Regensburg, Germany.
- 251.
- Status report on calorons and their
constituents, invited talk at the ``Light-Cone 2004'' conference,
17 August 2004, Amsterdam.
- 252.
- Lectures on Nahm Transform, set of
5 lectures at Seoul National University, 29 October - 8 November 2004, Seoul, South Korea.
- 253.
- Quantum Chromodynamics and Asymptotic freedom (Nobel Prize 2004), physics
colloquium, Technical University Eindhoven, 25 November 2004, Eindhoven.
- 254.
- The Witten index in a finite volume revisited, seminar, University of
Washington, 4 February 2005, Seattle, USA.
- 255.
- Composite Structures of Instantons, seminar, 14 February 2005,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
- 256.
- Instanton Quarks I, discussion, KITP program on "Modern Challenges
for Lattice Field Theory", 22 February 2005, Santa Barbara, USA.
- 257.
- Composite Structures of Instantons, seminar, 4 March 2005,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA.
- 258.
- Composite Structures of Instantons, seminar, 7 March 2005,
SMU, Dallas, USA.
- 259.
- Composite Structures of Instantons, seminar, 17 March 2005, SUNY,
Stony Brook, USA.
- 260.
- Confinement and Instanton Quarks - some thoughts, invited talk at the
Ringberg Workshop
"Understanding Confinement", 18 May 2005, Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee,
- 261.
- Cosmic Rays: a bridge between high schools and
real research, invited talk at the
"Gribov-75 memorial workshop on quarks, hadrons and strong interactions",
23 May 2005, Budapest, Hungary.
- 262.
- Instanton Quarks and Confinement, parallel talk at Lattice 2005,
26 July 2005, Dublin, Ierland.
- 263.
- A Review of Instanton Quarks and
Confinement, parallel talk at "Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum
VII", 2 September 2006, Azores, Portugal.
- 264.
- Calorons and their Fermions - a Review, invited talk at the worshop
on "Fermions and Extended Objects on the Lattice", 28 February 2007,
Benasque, Spain.
- 265.
Calorons as a Challenge in Lattice QCD, seminar at the "Graduate
Day" of the Karl-Franzens Universität, 15 June 2007, Graz, Austria.
- 266.
- Calorons with non-trivial holonomy, seminar at the programme
"Strong Fields,
Integrability and Strings", 14 September 2007, Newton Institute, Cambridge,
- 267.
- Calorons with non-trivial holonomy, invited talk at the "Classical
Field Theory Workshop", 20 September 2007, Durham, UK.
- 268.
Instanton Quarks and Confinement, invited talk at the INT program
"From Strings to Things: String Theory Methods in QCD and Hadron Physics",
8 May 2008, University of Washington, Seattle, USA.
- 269.
- Calorons and
non-trivial holonomy -- an overview, invited seminar at the Galileo Galilei
Institute for Theoretical Physics Workshop on "Non-Perturbative Methods in
Strongly Coupled Gauge Theories", 28 May 2008, Florence, Italy.
- 270.
- The Witten index revisited,
invited talk at LC2008, 7 July 2008, Mulhouse, France.
- 271.
- Calorons with non-trivial holonomy, invited talk at the workshop
"T(R)OPICAL QCD", 29 July 2008, Port Douglas, Australia.
- 272.
- Progress on Calorons, parallel talk at "Confinement8", 6 September 2008, Mainz, Germany.
- 273.
- Calorons with non-trivial holonomy - an overview, invited talk at the
Symposium on Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Euler International
Mathematical Institute, 3 July 2009, St. Petersburg, Russia.
- 274.
- Progress
on Calorons, talk given at the workshop "Universe in a Box: LHC,
Cosmology and Lattice Field Theory", 28 August 2009, Lorentz Center, Leiden,
The Netherlands.
- 275.
- Progress on Calorons, talk given
at the workshop "P- and CP-odd Effects in Hot and Dense Matter", 28 April 2010,
RIKEN BNL, Brookhaven, USA.
- 276.
- Progress on Calorons, talk given
at the "Gribov-80 Memorial Workshop on Quantum Chromodynamics and Beyond",
28 May 2010, ICTP, Trieste, Italy.
- 277.
Calorons with non-trivial holonomy, talk given at the CERN Theory Institute
"Future directions in lattice gauge theory", 10 August 2010, CERN, Geneva,
- 278.
- Calorons with non-trivial
holonomy, talk given at the workshop "The many faces of QCD", 5 November
2010, Gent, Belgium.
- 279.
- Non-trivial holonomy and calorons, talk given at the workshop "Low
dimensional physics and gauge principles (Sergei Matinyan-80)", 23 September
2011, Nor Amberd, Armenia and Tbilisi, Georgia.
- 280.
- Calorons with non-trivial holonomy, seminar given at the UCLA theoretical
high-energy group, 24 January 2012, Los Angeles, USA.
- 281.
- Instantons and constituent monopoles,
nine years later, talk given at "Light Cone 2012", 9 July 2012, Cracow,
- 282.
- Calorons with
non-trivial holonomy, seminar at the Galileo Galilei Institute for
Theoretical Physics Workshop on "New Frontiers in Lattice Gauge Theory",
7 September 2012, Florence, Italy.